ChatGPT-powered search for markdown documentation

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ChatGPT-powered documentation.


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The project comes with sample documentation ready to use with all the requirements you need to create your own.

- Nextra-powered

- Works with Markdown

- Uses Embedbase

- Makes it easy for users to find what they need

- NextJS + ReactJS

A ChatGPT that knows your product inside out and answers your users' questions and solves their problems in no time. No responsibility is made for debugging, bugs, security, or issues that will have to be applied to your application under your responsibility.

Other features include:

- MDX is supported, which allows you to use JSX in your markdown content

- Styling is powered by Tailwindcss, which allows you to rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML

Delegating questions answering to ChatGPT will save you lots of time, allowing you to focus on building your product!

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ChatGPT-powered documentation

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ChatGPT-powered search for markdown documentation

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